English, asked by kunalla5121, 8 hours ago

give a declamation on a topic "Right and wrong change from generation to generation"​


Answered by sudhirsowmya47



Now there’s what you call a “loaded question”.

Seventy years ago during my parents’ generation, there was no cursing in public, no spitting, name calling, “gentlemen” wore hats which they tipped at the approach of a “lady” in a dress, stockings and high heels. Please, Thank You, You’re Welcome and God Bless You upon a sneeze was imperative, as were Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night.

Kindness was required, children would speak only when spoken to and called adults Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ma’am, or Sir. Politeness was the order of the day. And the children’s clothes were as clean and pressed (ironed) as the adults’.

Moving on to my generation… growing up in the 60s - 70s. Hippies moved in, clothing relaxed, as did manners and rules. No longer were there titles and respect began to decline. Holding doors and the general pleasantries were still in order, but now not imperative. Still though, if someone neglected to thank or ask politely, people thought it quite rude. And God Bless You had not been thrown yet to the wolves.

By the generation of the 80s, the children were calling the adult friends Aunt and Uncle rather than Mr., Mrs., and Sir. They were now being sometimes reminded by their parents to thank Grandma for the present and pestered to get that thank you note written. Now too they were arguing about doing homework and believing at younger ages that they were smarter than their parents.

Fast forward yet again to our precious 2000 kids. That’s right, we don’t call them children any more. Nor do we shelter them from the harsh things of the world. The cartoons are filled with dreadful monsters and we lavish them with whatever they ask for, no matter the cost nor how hard it might be to obtain.

And so this generation does not have the rules of even the last generation, nor the respect. Many do not greet their relatives or any authority with respect. No hello, no sign of respect (where appropriate). Parents are having to tell them to kiss their Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents, to which they reluctantly comply.

These “kids”, as each generation has been, are a direct product of the society in which they live, the teaching, parenting, and especially today exposure to shows and commercials far beyond their emotional capacity to process.

We cannot blame the children. We cannot blame kids. And we certainly, cannot and should not be surprised when things escalate as at Shady Brook and Columbine.

When we replace unsupervised television, video games, and free time.. When we are unaware ourselves of what is “age appropriate” for our children’s emotional stability.. When our work, friends, chores, sports, social life trump the well being of our children….

You tell me…. What’s considered right and wrong from one generation to the next?©️

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