Give a demonstration to browse the internet which will show the necessity of
World Wide Web. Discuss about some real time communication.
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WWW means:
Internet in not WWW .
Internet-internetworking WWW is a service provided by internet.
WWW shows the content that is present in any website.
We usually go to movies so,consider movie theatres as Websites includes WWW inturn consists of images,text,audio,video,images,other multimedia.
We go to movie theatres by bus on roads know the roads by referring to internet(consider internet as road to go to theatres)
Thus we came to know that internet is not everything it is just a way or route map to access web pages.Just like legs of a man is used just to walk and travel many places
The different places we visit refers to web pages WWW(images,text,video,audio…)like we visit historic places,public places,private places…..
URL is address of the website so that we can reach the correct destination