History, asked by rosica7160, 2 months ago

give a description of a recent (2019 -2020)of human trafficking and example of how this problem has displayed itself in your community


Answered by jitendrachaurasiya13


The Cause and Consequence of Human Trafficking: Human Rights Violations

On the surface, it is quite apparent that human trafficking or modern day slavery is awful, disgusting, violent, targeted towards the most vulnerable populations in society, and illegal. What’s missing from many conversations on human trafficking, however, are the many human rights that are violated in the name of human trafficking. This book, “The Cause and Consequence of Human Trafficking: Human Rights Violations” centers this important issue. Kara Napolitano, of the Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking, once used the phrase, “The Cause and Consequence of Human Trafficking: Human Rights Violations” in an interview on the systemic forces under-girding human trafficking. It eloquently captures the essence and realities of human trafficking and that is how the authors came about in entitling this book. When a person’s human rights are violated, it makes them vulnerable to gross mistreatment. When this mistreatment rises to the level of human trafficking, then additional human rights are violated during the trafficking ordeal. It looks like this in reality…

Answered by krishna210398


The description of the recent human trafficking is explained below.


Causes and consequences of human trafficking: violation of human rights

On the face of it, modern-day trafficking and slavery is horrific, hateful, violent, targets the most vulnerable in society, and is clearly illegal. But what is missing from many discussions of trafficking are the many human rights that are violated in the name of trafficking. This book, titled Causes and Effects of Trafficking: Violation of Human Rights, deals with this important issue. Cara Napolitano of the Anti-Trafficking Research Institute once used the phrase "The Causes and Consequences of Trafficking: Human Rights Violations" in an interview about the organizational forces behind trafficking.  This book eloquently portrays the nature and reality of human trafficking, and this is the way the author of this book qualifies. Violations of human rights leave us vulnerable to horrific abuses. When this abuse rises to the level of trafficking, additional human rights are violated during trafficking trials.

Prepare A Placard With An Appropriate Slogan To Control Human Trafficking?


"Human trafficking is a big crime".Give your opinion.?



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