give a detailed Note on how soil is prepared before sowing the seeds
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it is the loosening up of the top layer of soil i.e. topsoil. Plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil through their roots, hence it is essential to prepare the soil
The soil is prepared by the following methods
1) Ploughing , 2) Levelling , 3) Manuring1) Ploughing is the process of loosening and turning the soil. Its also known as tilling.
*Allows roots of the plants to penetrate deeply into the soil
*Loose soil provides better aeration to the roots and allow them to breathe easily.
*It assists the growth of microbes and worms
*it also removes weeds and other waste materials from the field.
*It brings nutrient-rich soil to the top, which helps in the growth of plants
*plough ,hoe, cultivator are used for it
The soil then needs to be levelled again to ensure its strong foundation. This levelling of soil is done with an implement called the leveller, which is a heavy wooden or iron plank
To increase the fertility of the soil, we add manure to the soil even before we begin sowing the seeds
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Preparation of soil
The various tasks performed by a farmer to produce a good crop are called agricultural practices.
The various agricultural practices require certain tools or implements which are called agricultural implements.
The upper layer of earth is called soil.The crop plants are grown in soil.
Soil provides minerals,water,air,humus and fixing to the plants.
The soil is prepared for sowing the seeds of the crop by
The process of loosening and turning of soil is calledploughing.
Ploughing of fields is done by using an implement called plough.Plough are made up of wood or iron and they have an iron tip for easy penetration into the soil.The ploughs are pulled by tractor or a pair of bullocks.
The loosening of soil by ploughing is beneficialbecause
1)The loose soil allows the plant roots to penetrate freely and deeply into the soil so that plants are held more firmly to the ground.
2)The loose soil allows the roots of plants to breathe easily.
3)The loose soil help in the growth of worms and microbes present in the soil who are friends of the farmer.
4)It also uproots and buries weeds standing in the field.
5)It brings the nutrient rich soil to the top so that the plant can use these nutrients.
The removal of top soil by wind and water is called soil erosion.
The ploughed soil is levelled by pressing it with a wooden leveller so that the top soil is not blown away by wind or drained off by water.
The levelling of ploughed soil is beneficial because :
1)The levelling of ploughed fields prevents the top fertile soil from being carried away by strong winds or washed away by rain water.
2)The levelling of ploughed fields helps in the uniform distribution of water in the fields during irrigation.
3)The levelling of ploughed fields helps in preventing the loss of moisture.
The levelling of ploughed soil in the field is done by using an implement called leveller.It is a heavy wooden plank or an iron plank.
Manure is added to the soil before ploughing.Addition of manures to soil before ploughing helps in the proper mixing of manures with the soil.
Manuring is done to in increase the fertility of the soil before seeds are sown in it.
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