give a meaning ful answer which is the highest rank in brainly after genius and modretor has ???
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Answered by
All ranks in Brainly are equally interesting and needs somuch of good work .
We can tell the highest ranks in terms of more answers and the seniors who are mostly contributing and default ranks .
(In terms of given answers and content quality )
**The Sage** - This is the rank given to the user who gave many best answers in the year and have many thanks and good content quality .This rank is like a appreciation to the great answerer .
(In terms of seniority ,contributions )
1) Community leader :- These are the users who have the responsibility of taking teams together ,managing tasks ,helping users ,dealing spammers .This person must have been good communicator and is good initiator and shows involvment of things restlessly .This rank has additional responsiblities and needs the person to be well known with terms which we follow and should be a senior moderator .
2) Leader stars and benefactors, moderators ;- These are the good communicators and has the responsibility of taking team together motivated and contribute in a best manner .They monitor the stars and benefactors and their answers and help mods with their dillemas.
( In terms of default rank ) ;-
1) Genius ; - A user answering more and more ,having 15000 points and have got 50 brainliest answers in the month gains this.
For more information do contact me [ Praneethworldtopper ,Community leader ] .
We can tell the highest ranks in terms of more answers and the seniors who are mostly contributing and default ranks .
(In terms of given answers and content quality )
**The Sage** - This is the rank given to the user who gave many best answers in the year and have many thanks and good content quality .This rank is like a appreciation to the great answerer .
(In terms of seniority ,contributions )
1) Community leader :- These are the users who have the responsibility of taking teams together ,managing tasks ,helping users ,dealing spammers .This person must have been good communicator and is good initiator and shows involvment of things restlessly .This rank has additional responsiblities and needs the person to be well known with terms which we follow and should be a senior moderator .
2) Leader stars and benefactors, moderators ;- These are the good communicators and has the responsibility of taking team together motivated and contribute in a best manner .They monitor the stars and benefactors and their answers and help mods with their dillemas.
( In terms of default rank ) ;-
1) Genius ; - A user answering more and more ,having 15000 points and have got 50 brainliest answers in the month gains this.
For more information do contact me [ Praneethworldtopper ,Community leader ] .
my first answer with praneeth :wink: nice answer..
Answered by
here is ur answer!!
Brainly is an educational where millions of students collaborate with each other in solving their doubts.Here you will be not asked to pay for using thw services.
Now lets come to the main topic,
Topic : that is about the ranks..
Here you will found users having the special types of ranks like The Sage, The leader, The Administrator etc..
Now here the question arise,
Which is the most Highest rank ?
The Sage, The Leader whether it may be of the stars or Benefactors or of Moderators, The most Administrator were the highest , we can't compare any one of them.
You'll better understand by reading their privileges.
Administrator : They are the most trusted personalities of Brainly. They are meant for administrating and helping user by listening their problems.
They have the privileges of :
- Changing the username .
- Deleting users account.
- Giving or taking back the ranks.
- Checking the contributions of users.
- Blocking of IPs..
2) The Leader ( Community leader, Leader Moderator Leader Brainly Benefactor, Leader Brainly star) : They were the seniors and the mentors too..They always contribute for the betterment of the site.They gave their remarkable performance in both questioning and answering and the most they were the best communicators here.
They have the privileges of :
1) Approving or Verifying the answers.
2) Guiding users, special rankers, and the moderators.
3) Checking users contribution.
4) Checking the IPs.
5) To delete someones account.
Now accept this.. There is the rank i.e the Sage ..
The Sage : Thats the most special rank which entilted to the most helpful user.To the user who always gave the best answers among all.You Might have not seen much users with this rank.
Here Kvnmurty is the The Sage...
So At last in conclusion both the ranks..
The Leader and the Administrator were the highest one.The personalities having this ranks were highly respected.We can't compare them as well.Both have unique privileges as well...
Hope this helps u!!
here is ur answer!!
Brainly is an educational where millions of students collaborate with each other in solving their doubts.Here you will be not asked to pay for using thw services.
Now lets come to the main topic,
Topic : that is about the ranks..
Here you will found users having the special types of ranks like The Sage, The leader, The Administrator etc..
Now here the question arise,
Which is the most Highest rank ?
The Sage, The Leader whether it may be of the stars or Benefactors or of Moderators, The most Administrator were the highest , we can't compare any one of them.
You'll better understand by reading their privileges.
Administrator : They are the most trusted personalities of Brainly. They are meant for administrating and helping user by listening their problems.
They have the privileges of :
- Changing the username .
- Deleting users account.
- Giving or taking back the ranks.
- Checking the contributions of users.
- Blocking of IPs..
2) The Leader ( Community leader, Leader Moderator Leader Brainly Benefactor, Leader Brainly star) : They were the seniors and the mentors too..They always contribute for the betterment of the site.They gave their remarkable performance in both questioning and answering and the most they were the best communicators here.
They have the privileges of :
1) Approving or Verifying the answers.
2) Guiding users, special rankers, and the moderators.
3) Checking users contribution.
4) Checking the IPs.
5) To delete someones account.
Now accept this.. There is the rank i.e the Sage ..
The Sage : Thats the most special rank which entilted to the most helpful user.To the user who always gave the best answers among all.You Might have not seen much users with this rank.
Here Kvnmurty is the The Sage...
So At last in conclusion both the ranks..
The Leader and the Administrator were the highest one.The personalities having this ranks were highly respected.We can't compare them as well.Both have unique privileges as well...
Hope this helps u!!
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