English, asked by divaa8033, 10 months ago

Give a paragraph on what you want to do when you grown up?


Answered by harshitachaudhary7


The question that we are asked since our childhood 'what will you do when you grow up'?

we have different answers according to our ages . when we are toddlers are answer would be we will enjoy being big like our fathers and mothers and we would not have to study.

teenagers says we will achieve our goals and dreams by becoming magnificent doctors and engineers .But the answer that should come is that we will step out for our country's development and soon we would make its way to the top.Every age group ,no matter how old they are ,are only concerned about themselves only,no one cares about our country ,our motherland ,the one on which we are living.No one says that I want to step in politics so that I can influence in the development of our motherland and its people .politics seems to be dirty and muddy ,if we step in we will get dirty ,this is what the attitude today's children are carrying . why don't they say that we are courageous and I will resist myself from getting dirty ,I will clean the dirtiness present in Indian politics.Remember we have to step into mud to clean it , untill and unless we don't do so we can't be able to clean it .

similar thing is with politics ,someone has to enter into it to clean it.The next time the question is asked ,the answer should be given as - we will become responsible citizens of this country and work for its development and progress.

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