Give a sample utterance for speech act. Then explain the possible effect of such utterance.
1. complain
Complaint as a Speech Act
The speaker (S) performs the speech act of
complaint to “expresses displeasure or annoyance –
censure- as a reaction to a past or going action, the
consequences of which are perceived by S as
affecting her unfavorably” [24]. The following
preconditions exists for a speech act to be considered
as a complaint:
Hearer (H) performs a socially unacceptable act
(SUA) that is contrary to a social code of behavioral
norms shared by S and H.
(1) S perceives the SUA as having unfavorable
consequences of herself, and/or for the general
(2) The verbal expression of S relates post facto
directly or indirectly to the SUA, thus having the
illocutionary force of censure.
(3) S perceives the SUA as: (a) freeing S (at least
partially) from the implicit understanding of a social
commiserating relationship with H; S therefore
chooses to express her frustration or annoyance…;
and (b) giving S the legitimate right to ask for repair
in order to undo the SUA, either for her benefit or for
the public benefit. It is the latter perception that leads
to instrumental complaint aimed at “changing thing”
that do not meet with our standards or expectations.
The main goal of such instrumental complaint is to
ensure that H performs some action of repair as a
result of the complaint [24].
A complaint helps S to express displeasure or
annoyance, and to hold the hearer (H) accountable
for the action causing this, confront a problem with
the intention of improving the situation, and possibly
to suggest or request a correction, to obtain
agreement, and to establish a common bond between
the speaker and addressee, helping him/her to open
and/or sustain conversations [6], [8], [24]. Four
components exist in the complaint speech act set
produced by Americans: the explanation of purpose /
warning of the forthcoming complaint, the complaint
itself, the justification, and a candidate solution in
the form of a request [2
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