English, asked by babysaneng, 10 months ago



Answered by ruthvika64


The ultimate goal has never been to work harder - that is, we do not make new machines so that they can make a bigger tank. New cars are made for them to drive further with less gasoline.

For example, Warren Buffett, the third richest man in the world, says that our investment strategy borders on our slowness or our laziness. And what does he mean here? That when we talk about Warren Buffett it seems that he is lazy, but is it really so? Was Warren Buffett really hard at work? Of course he worked hard. The only difference between Warren Buffett and all of us, if we remove all the money he earned, is that he does not confuse hard work with smart work and he clearly sees the difference. For hard work they never gave a medal "For Courage" and it was never the ultimate goal. That is, the fact that you work hard, it does not mean that you can put yourself on a pedestal or be proud of it. That is, no one will give you a medal for this. But at the same time, no one tells you that you need to avoid hard work, you just need to figure out what points you need to work hard, and at what points you need to work your head and work competently.

There is even one of the classic scenes in the movie "Indiana Jones", when a dude with a big skill in using a sword still loses a dude who just shot it with his gun, and all it took was one bullet. That is, it was unimportant, how much the first masterfully owns a sword - all that was required in order to put it mildly, is one bullet.

Therefore, hard work absolutely does not guarantee you success. If you still think that working hard, you will be more successful and richer, then again I want to remind you that the top 10 richest people in the world make more money than the 3.5 billion people who are on the bottom , In total. So think about a second about it.

Well, imagine how hard 10 people can work per day? At best, 240 hours, if you do not sleep. And how many, for example, 3.5 billion people can work, if they work at least an hour a day? 3.5 billion hours is obtained. And this is a confirmation of the fact that there are people in the world who work harder, much harder than the richest people in the world. But this does not mean that it brings them the coveted long-awaited result.

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