Biology, asked by aneesshreen9202, 11 months ago

Give advantages of CNG over petrol or diesel.


Answered by Anonymous
CNG is far less polluting than diesel. next to no particulates, next to no nitrogen oxides and no sulphur.

Fjordlines ferrylines between Denmark and Norway now use CNG powered vessels instead of diesel engined boats. Much cleaner, much smoother and much quieter than diesel alternatives, and the emissions are a fraction of those from diesel engines.

MS Stavangerfjord and MS Bergensfjord are the first and largest cruise ferries in the world to use "single fuelled LNG engines", meaning that the ships are powered exclusively by liquefied natural gas (LNG). This environmental initiative means that Fjord Line lies in the forefront of new and more stringent emissions regulations, and the environmental benefits will be welcomed along the coast and in the four ports served by the cruise ferries.

The major environmental benefits are:

92% reduction in NOx emissions

23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

100% reduction in sulfur emissions

98% reduction in particle emissions

Answered by luckynagar
As gasoine and diasel prices increase the need for a cleanel and less experisve arernative fuel tanks becomes oven more important. Today there are several kirds of atterrative fuels available to us New techinologes that will power the Cars of the future are being cdevelaped Howewer of these bechnologes are sill its infanty and ore not yet readily Jwailable More and more penple all over thE world are alon looking for an aternative fuel And arnong the many options ivalable, compressed natural pas CNG appears to be the viable oppon But he guestion that needs to be anwered is whether indeed a better fuel and why Here are the adantiges CNG has nver netraisum-based fuels auch as gasnline Cermpressed natural is a clean burning fuel, It is actually the cleanest of all fossil fuels. Since natural composed mainy af methane burning it produces cartioet daxide and watet These are the same compounds we xhale wherwe breathe Mearmwhile, pntraleum produces higher carban emissiont nitragen cades and suifur diaxide Burning fuel alsa produces.ash particulates that worsen patiution. Combistion natucal gas releases very small amoursts of these compounds For instance, camon monoxige emission reducen by obout in CNG-powered cars compored to gasoine-poweret vehicles CNG aiso produces 45% less hyarocartong than gasoline And although natural pas also produces greenhouse gases, it is consideraty rediced compared to gasoline or diesel This helps redupe the narmtut effects of reenhouse gases to the envranment porticularly throughe alobal warmina

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