give an account of method of reducing air pollution
Ans ➡️ The best way to reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the air is to use energy more efficiently and to reduce the combustion of fossil fuels by using alternative energy sources.
(e.g., nuclear, wind, tidal, and solar power).
Hope this helps you mate ☺️☺️⭐⭐✌️✌️✅✅✅✅
There are various methods that can be employed to reduce air pollution or to decrease the adverse effects of air pollution.
On individual level
Adopt environment-friendly activities, for instance, car pooling, public transport, etc.
Plant trees around your house to provide a passive shield to restrict entry of pollutants
Ensure proper ventilation of your house to reduce indoor air pollution
On city level
Pedestrian paths must be separated from roads by a row of trees or boundary wall
Make cities less congested to allow proper ventilation and consequently complete dispersion of pollutants
Increase reliability and quality of public transport system to keep private vehicles off the road
Use of technology to reduce pollutant emissions from industries and transport sector
Geographical aspects of a city must be taken into account before devising a comprehensive air pollution combat plan. For instance, in a city like Delhi which is a tropical place, maximum contribution to particulate matter comes from surrounding areas, and, thus, planting a row of trees at the outskirts of Delhi can reduce the quantity of particulate matter coming into the city.
Adopt measures to prevent burning of fossil fuels during adverse weather such as temperature inversion.
Create cycle pathways to promote use of cycles and to develop a culture.
Promote methods such as composting in hinterland areas to prevent burning of stubble and other carbon material.
There are numerous steps that can be taken collectively to effectively combat air pollution in cities. It is an indisputable fact that air pollution in cities is one of the major causes of large number of premature deaths every year. Unless and until urban dwellers do not become aware of this looming problem and start demanding solutions, administrators are not going to take this seriously.
Hope it helps
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