English, asked by kaurgrace22, 4 months ago

Give an account of roses life at Raju house


Answered by gujjarkingdevbaisoya


give an account of roses life at raju's house

Answered by princyj140



Raju is the protagonist of the story. He was born in a fictional town named Malgudi, belongs to a lower-middle-class family, and lives with his mother after his father died when Raju was young. Raju was very smart and savvy in how he grew his father's shop, then moving into being a famous and respected tour guide known as "Railway Raju." He loves talking and traveling to new places; he is intuitive about his customers' needs and makes himself indispensable.

Raju begins having an affair with Rosie, the wife of his client Marco, and becomes obsessively in love with her. This love for her causes him to behave greedily and selfishly, even when he and Rosie are together in Marco's absence. He thinks of her as property and does care about anything but himself, though he dedicates his time to furthering her dancing career. His desire for money is absolute and he relishes the power he attains by being the famous dancer Nalini's (Rosie's changed name) manager and lover. This greed eventually leads to the demise of his relationship, time in jail, and exile from Malgudi.

It also results in his being mistaken as a holy man. In the privacy of his own mind, Raju still tends toward selfishness and impatience, but the more time he spends with the villagers, the more he grows in character. Arguably, by the end of the novel, as a result of his fasting and praying, he achieves enlightenment and truly does becomes a holy man

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