give an account of the human activities of the Amazon Basin
The expansion of industrial in the Amazon River has caused destruction of the plants, animals, and environment. It also causes water pollution by leaking hazardous materials into the rivers, tributaries and underwater. There are some pollution which was caused by people such as gold mining and mercury trading.
Activities like selective logging, hunting, altering or fragmenting the landscape, and other forms of habitat degradation are making the Amazon rainforest more flammable, according to a two-year study of the Brazilian Amazon.
1. The core forests areas are inhabited by tribal people.
2.They lead a very primitive lifestyle and obtain their food by gathering, hunting and fishing.
3. They grow tuber crops like yam and cassava andvegetables on cleared patches of land.
4. Shifting agriculture is a form of agriculture quite common in the forest of Amazon Basin.
5. Rubber plantations have been developed, where rubber is grown on commercial scale. Coffee, cocoa and nuts are also grown commercially in some places.