Math, asked by vishnusaran, 1 year ago

give an essay about "SCIENCE "


Answered by ajstyle2

Introduction: Today science is advancing at an amazing speed and everything of our life has changed beyond recognition. It constitutes an attempt to conquer the forces of nature and aims to give man increasing power over his surroundings.

Science in daily life: In the daily life of a man science is visible. For instance, he can now travel much faster and more comfortably than in the past. Bullock carts in villages and horse carriages in town are being replaced by tractors, trucks auto-carriages in and cars.

Invention of steam engine revolutionized travel. Then came the sensational invention of aero-planes.

Similarly, quick means of communication have brought the peoples of the world together. We can talk to any person through telephone and mobiles. Electronic mail (email) has made the transmission of any message across internet to any person in this world.

plz make me the braiblist

vishnusaran: thanks for your help
naveen128: Wlcm
Answered by naveen128

Introduction: Today science is advancing at an amazing speed and everything of our life has changed beyond recognition. It constitutes an attempt to conquer the forces of nature and aims to give man increasing power over his surroundings.

Science in daily life: In the daily life of a man science is visible. For instance, he can now travel much faster and more comfortably than in the past. Bullock carts in villages and horse carriages in town are being replaced by tractors, trucks auto-carriages in and cars.

Invention of steam engine revolutionized travel. Then came the sensational invention of aero-planes.

Similarly, quick means of communication have brought the peoples of the world together. We can talk to any person through telephone and mobiles. Electronic mail (email) has made the transmission of any message across internet to any person in this world.

Further, it has made the use of radio both as a means of information and recreation. In times of distress, wireless telegraphy renders extraordinary service. A plane or ship in danger can at once contact on wireless the nearest aerodrome or port and get timely help.

Also read: Importance of Science in Our Daily Life

Inventions of Science: The invention of television is one of the most important event in human history. It enables men to see peoples, images thousands of miles away from them.

Cinematography is also a unique gift of science. The talkies have definitely taken the place of the theatre and a large scale cinema industry has sprung up.

The trade and commerce have got a new life by the establishment of huge industrial plants. One may feel surprised if one sees how modern factories and mills run and how their products are exported to every corner of the world.

Contribution to our health and wellness: The invention of medicines for severe diseases is a significant contribution of Science in the field of health and wellness. Plague, small-pox, cholera, leprosy, typhoid and even tuberculosis are no long terrible disease now.

Human body has been thoroughly studied and most of the diseases are controlled by life-giving medicines and miraculous surgery. Plastic surgery can make an ugly woman a beautiful lady.

Also read: Paragraph on Wonders of Science

Demerits: But there is another side of the picture too. What science gives by one hand if takes away by another. For example, the invention of machinery and large scale production has resulted in insanitary living conditions, unfair distribution of wealth, strikes and unemployment.

The invention of atomic and hydrogen bombs has threatened the peace of the world. It is due to science that today man is so much lost in materialistic welfare.

Conclusion: Thus, the importance of science in our life cannot be denied. However, it should be used with care and caution. It should only be used for the welfare of humanity.

vishnusaran: thanks for your help bro
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