give an example of discrimination against muslim minority
During last three years, since Modi has come to power; despite the talk of Sabka Saath Sabka vikas (with all, for development of all), policies have been undertaken to break the back of Muslim community. One of the examples of the this has been the policies related to beef ban and closure of meat shops, on the ground of their being illegal. The already existing laws on cow slaughter and beef ban have been tightened. A social atmosphere has been created around Holy Mother Cow. The implementation of this seems to be guided more by hatred of Muslims than love for Cows. An atmosphere of terror has been created by lynching of innocent Muslims by Cow Rakhashaks (Protectors), who are Hindu nationalist, ideologically inspired by the RSS-BJP. The atmosphere has been so created that those transporting cattle and dealing with meat/beef have been intimidated out of their wits to be able to do anything to do gainful economic activities. Muslims are feeling further intimidated and are being relegated to second class citizenship is going on at great speed.