Give any five branches in which Doctors can do MD and explain the meaning.
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MD specializations comprise gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, dentistry, and cardiology
Gynecology: Specialise in women's health, with special focus on the women's reproductive system. They deal with different issues, including pregnancy, obstetrics, childbirth, fertility issues, menstruation, hormone disorders, and others.
Pediatrics: Involves the medical care of children, adolescents (up to the age of 18), and infants. Apart from medical it also includes managing a child's physical, behavior, and mental health issues
Opthalmology: A branch of medicine & surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders
Dentistry: Comprise the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, of diseases, conditions, and disorders of the oral cavity
Cardiology: Deals with the disorders of the heart and parts of the circulatory system