give any four characteristic proportion of the transaction element
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-Transaction processing systems(TPS) collect, store, modify and retrieve the transactions
-Transaction is an event that generates or modifies data to be stored in an information system
-Examples: Point of Sale, credit card payments,
-Designed in conjunction with the organisation's procedures
-Main processes are collecting and storing
-ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) is a set of properties of database transactions. In the context of databases, a single logical operation on the data is called a transaction.
The four important characteristics include
Rapid response
-Fast performance is critical
-Turnaround time from transaction input to the production output must be a few seconds or less
-Breakdowns disturb operations
-Failure rates must be low
-If failure occurs, recovery must be quick and accurate
-Every transaction must be processed in the same way
-Flexibility results in too many opportunities for non standard operations, resulting in problems due to different transaction data