Give any three adaptations shown by a frog in order to survive in the aquatic habitat.
1) Frogs have webbed back feet which help them to swim in water (webbed feet are formed from thin skin between toes and work like paddles for swimming). ... (2) Frogs have strong back legs for hopping (jumping) and catching their prey. This adaptation helps the frogs to live life on land.
(1) Frogs have webbed back feet which help them to swim in water (webbed feet are formed from thin skin between toes and work like paddles for swimming). ... (2) Frogs have strong back legs for hopping (jumping) and catching their prey. This adaptation helps the frogs to live life on land
Other adaptations include:
Skin that prevents loss of water.
Eyelids that allow them to adapt to vision outside of the water.
An eardrum developed to separate the external ear from the middle ear.
A tail that disappears in adulthood (in frogs and toads).