English, asked by angelesc, 1 year ago

Give at least 2 examples of Jem becoming mature in the book To Kill A Mockingbird with explanations.


Answered by p1998

Jem shows maturity:


On Scout’s first day of school, she runs into trouble with the new teacher Miss Caroline. Scout takes the responsibility of informing the teacher that she has made a mistake with Walter Cunningham when he does not have lunch money. The teacher offers to loan him some money. Scout tells her that Walter will not take the money because he cannot pay it back. Miss Caroline punishes Scout.

Because she receives a punishment, Scout knocks Walter down on the playground and begins to pummel him. Jem intervenes and stops the fight. Having heard Atticus talk about how the Cunninghams do not have money but always pay their debts in some way, Jem understands that Walter cannot help his family situation. He also knows that instead of fighting with him that he should be treated with respect. Jem invites Walter home to share their lunch since he does not have anything to eat.


Jem’s change in attitude toward Boo Radley portrays his movement toward maturity. When Boo begins to leave items in the hole in the tree, the children do not understand who left them. Slowly, Jem realizes that it is Boo’s way of communicating with them. Boo carves the children in wood; then, he mends Jem’s pants when he tears them. Miss Maudie’s house catches fire and during the excitement, Boo places a blanket around the shoulders of Scout.

Jem understands that Boo is not a dangerous character but someone who wants to befriend the children. Boo’s father cements the hole in the tree which was the connection between Boo and the children. Nathan Radley lies to the children and tells them that he did it because the tree is dying. Jem realizes that Boo’s father did it because he did not want Boo to be able to put things in the tree and communicate with the children.

“…Mr. Nathan put cement in the tree, Atticus, and he did it to stop us findin’ things---he’s [Boo] crazy, I reckon, like they say, but Atticus I swear to God he ain’t ever harmed us, he coulda cut my throat from ear to ear that night but he tried to mend my pants instead---he ain’t ever hurt us, Atticus---“

Jem finally knows that Boo is watching them and does not want to hurt them.
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