Give atleast 10 characteristics of Virusses___!!
The study virus is known as virology.
▪︎Viruses belong to intermediates on between living and nonliving worlds.
▪︎Their size varies from 10-250 nm.
▪︎Viruses have any extremely basic structure made up of a central core of either DNA or RNA strands.
▪︎This is covered by a protein coat called capsid.
▪︎The viruses don't have any cytoplasm or other metabolic machinery.
▪︎They depend entirely on metabolic enzymes of the host cell.
▪︎Inside the living cells of the viruses behave as living structure as they multiply and grow.
▪︎Once outside the organisms virus behave as non living entities.
▪︎Viruses infective variety of organisms including blue green algae.
▪︎Viruses in fact almost every kind of prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.
▪︎Some examples are Rhinovirus , HIV.
the 10 characteristics of viruses are →
⭕they are submicroscopic and non cellular . They are considered neither prokaryotes or eukaryotes .
⭕They are smaller than 200 nm (even smaller than bacteria )
⭕they are obligate parasites .
⭕they have genetic material either in the form of RNA or DNA .
⭕when outside their specific host , they are present in crystalline form .
⭕they are intracellular parasites ,i.e., they affect a cells of host .
⭕For protein synthesis they take help of host cell's ribosomes .
⭕they may spherical , rod shaped or tadpole like .
⭕generally plant viruses have ssRNA and animal viruses have double stranded DNA .
⭕They have a protein coat called capsid and its each subunit is called as capsomere .