Biology, asked by dmchorghade, 8 months ago

Give brief information about phylum arthropoda with examples ​




An “arthropod” is an invertebrate animal that has an exoskeleton, a segmented body, and jointed appendages. The following families of organisms are all examples of arthropods: Insects such as ants, dragonflies, and bees. Arachnids such as spiders and scorpions.

Answered by Levi654

[ arthro = jointed, poda = legs ]

  1. This is the largest Phylum of animalia which includes insects .
  2. Over two third of all named species on earth are arthropods .
  3. They have organ system level of organisation .
  4. Arthropods are solitary or colonial most of them are free living.
  5. the parasitic arthropods are sanguivorous. (blood sucking)
  6. these are Omnipresent. (present everywhere)
  7. they are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic segmented and coelomate animals.
  8. body is covered by a tough, chitinous cuticle which forms the exoskeleton.
  9. As exoskeleton does not allow body growth arthropods shed off their exoskeleton periodically .This is called Moulting.
  10. The body consist of head, thorax and abdomen.
  11. In some forms head and thorax fuse to form cephalothorax .
  12. They have joined appendages.
  13. Body shows metameric segmentation.
  14. Digestive system is complete.
  15. Circulatory system is of open type.
  16. Respiratory organs are gills, book gills, book lungs, and tracheal system.
  17. Sensory organs like antenna taste receptors eyes ( compound and simple) statocyst or balance organs are present.
  18. nervous system is formed by nerve ring and a double , ventral, ganglionated nerve cord.
  19. excretion takes place by Green glands or malphigian tubules.
  20. They are mostly dioecious i.e. sexes are separated, showing sexual dimorphism.
  21. Animals are oviparous. ( except scorpion )
  22. Fertilization is usually internal.
  23. Development may be direct or indirect ( by metamorphosis )
  24. in some arthropods like Honey Bee, bugs etc the off Springs are are produced by parthenogenesis. ( without fertilization)
  25. some arthropods are economically important such as honey bee for their honey and wax .
  26. lobsters, prawn, crab are edible. silkworm for production of silk .
  27. some arthropods are harmful which act as vector e.g. mosquito centipede crab spider cockroach etc .
  28. Examples :- Economically important insects Apis ( honey bee ), Bombyx ( silkworm ), Laccifer ( Lac insect )
  29. Vectors :- Anopheles , culex and aedes ( mosquitos )
  30. Gregarious pest - locusta ( locust ), living fossil - Limulus ( King crab ), millipedes, Grass hoppers, Butterfly,scorpion crab.

Hope this will help you.

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