give definitions of least count and zero error.
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the smallest value that can be measured by a measuring instrument is called least count and the least count error is error associated with the resolution of the instrument
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In metrology, the least count of a measuring instrument is the smallest change in the measured quantity that can be resolved on the instrument's scale. The least count is related to the precision of an instrument; an instrument that can measure smaller changes in a value relative to another instrument, has a smaller "least count" value and so is more precise. Any measurement made by the instrument can be considered repeatable to no less than the resolution of the least count. The least count of an instrument is inversely proportional to the precision of the instrument.
Zero error is a technical term, which means how far away from zero is the reading of the insrument when the real value is known to be zero. It can be either positive or negative.
Zero error is a technical term, which means how far away from zero is the reading of the insrument when the real value is known to be zero. It can be either positive or negative.

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