Biology, asked by anilyadav00, 11 months ago

Give differences between autotrophic and heterotropic nutritions?

priyanka22345: auto means self it means who prepare their own food like plants and heterotropic means it depend on another to take food like animals
anilyadav00: Autotropic nutrition (1) It occurs only green plants . (2). Carbon dioxide and water are needed for the synthesis of food. (3) Chlorophll and sunlight are essential for the synthesis of food.
priyanka22345: it also correct
anilyadav00: Heterotropic nutrition. (1). It occurs in all nongreen plants and animals. (2) Heterotropic derive their food from green plants or autotrophs directly or indirectly . (3). Chlorophyll is absent , hence, no photosynthesis
anilyadav00: I have seen from the book this is fully corrrect answers
priyanka22345: ya this is from book but i told them from knowledge so may be little bit wrong
yachnaatoot22: The organism which prepare their own food are known as autotrophs and its mode is known as autotrophic.There are two types of autotrophic nutrition 1) photoautotrophic nutrition 2) chemoautotrophic nutition.
anilyadav00: but thankyou priyanka22345 didi


Answered by courtneyhutcherson


Autotrophic- an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.

Heterotrophic- an organism deriving its nutritional requirements from complex organic substances.


Answered by abhishekrai97

autotropic nutrition means aplant who can prepare own food

but heterotropic nutrition means a plant or animal who depend on other for food

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