Give example of organic and inorganic fertilizers 10 example each
some examples of inorganic fertilizers;
Nitrogen Fertilizer - Inorganic N sources include ammonium and nitrate forms and urea. This type chemical fertilizer contain high levels of nitrogen, one of the most vital nutrients for plant growth. Examples of Nitrogen Fertilizer are: Nitrogen fertilizers are the most widely used (ZA) and Urea.
some examples of organic fertilizers;
Examples of manure include rabbit, horse, cow, and chicken poop and bat guano. Examples of fertilizers include synthetic chemical blends, minerals, and compost from decaying organic matter. Examples of naturally occurring organic fertilizers include manure, slurry, worm castings, peat, seaweed and guano. Green manure crops are also grown to add nutrients to the soil. Naturally occurring minerals such as mine rock phosphate, sulfate of potash and limestone are also considered Organic Fertilizers.
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