give four suggestions strengthen secularism in india
Main measures to promote secularism in India are 1. Education, 2. Voluntary Agencies, 3. Social Engineering:
For Nehru, improvement in people’s economic condition would push religion into the background. But as we have already seen this hope has been belied in India.
Today, the world over, education is considered to be the best agent for promotion of rational and scientific values and attitudes. While a total faith in education’s modernising role may be somewhat exaggerated, nevertheless, States that are in the process of nation-building rely considerably on education to modernise the out-look and world- view of their population.
In India, our hopes of building a secular society largely rest upon the millions of school and university students, who are today being exposed to modern science, rationality and humanism. The secular approach of the State, insofar as prevention of any discrimination in education against minorities is concerned, is quite evident.