give information about structure of earth
The earth is made up of 3 main layers:
1. Crust
2. Mantle
We live on the outer part of the earth which is called the Crust. This layer goes up to a depth of 30-100 kms. The crust mostly consists of various kinds of rocks.
2. Mantle :
It is 100-2900 kms in thickness. The upper part of the mantle is a pliable layer over which the crust floats. This consists mainly of chemicals called silicates.
3. Core:
The core is 2900 to 6376 kms in thickness. It is composed of dense and heavy substances like iron and nickel. It can be divided into two sub layers.
Outer core:2900-5100 kms composed of liquid metallic material like nickel and iron.
Inner core:The solid inner core (5100-6376)kms of the earth is made up of Iron compounds and heavy substances like gold.