Give me 20 examples of homophone and homografh
ad, add
ail, ale
air, heir
aisle, I'll, isle
all, awl
allowed, aloud
alms, arms
altar, alter
arc, ark
aren't, aunt
ate, eight
auger, augur
auk, orc
aural, oral
away, aweigh
awe, oar, or, ore
axel, axle
aye, eye, I
bail, bale
bait, bate
baize, bays
bald, bawled
ball, bawl
band, banned
bard, barred
bare, bear
bark, barque
baron, barren
base, bass
bay, bey
bazaar, bizarre
be, bee
beach, beech
bean, been
beat, beet
beau, bow
beer, bier
agape – with mouth open OR love
bass – type of fish OR low, deep voice
bat - piece of sports equipment OR an animal
bow – type of knot OR to incline
down – a lower place OR soft fluff on a bird
entrance – the way in OR to delight
evening – smoothing out OR after sunset
fine – of good quality OR a levy
learned – past tense of learn OR knowledgeable
minute – tiny OR unit of time
moped – was gloomy OR motorcyle
number – more numb OR numerical value
row – line OR argument OR propel a boat
sewer – drain OR person who sews
wave – move the hand in greeting OR sea water coming into shore
wound – past tense of wind OR to injure
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