Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

give me 5 important mcqs of phyllums


Answered by Somyasisodiya
1.  A sponge can be distinguished from other animals by the presence of 

a) Hollow body

b) coelenteron

c) choanocytes

d) dermal papillae

2. Animal of phylum Porifera are characterised by

a) Diploblastic organisation

b) canal system

c) coelom

d) coelenteron

3. Larva of sponge is known as

a) planula larva

b) trochophore larva

c) glochidium larva

d) amphiblastula larva

4. Gemmules are helpful in 

a) digestion

b) sexual reproduction

c) Secretion of spicules

d) Survival in drought

5. Most of the sponges are

a) solitary

b) colonial

c) fresh water forms

d) cold water inhabitants

Coeus: 4. c) spicule formation
Coeus: 5. a) solitary. But isme actually, cold water ki jgh agr Marine water hota to answer d) hota.
Coeus: And question proper lagta thoda.
Coeus: Pretty doll, give my answer to previous one Brainliest.
Coeus: Welcome dear.
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