Give me a all achievements of aryanhatt
Aryabhata was a famous Indian mathematician and astronomer.
His notable contributions to the world of science and mathematics includes the theory that the earth rotates on its axis, explanations of the solar and lunar eclipses, solving of quadratic equations, place value system with zero, and approximation of pie (π).
When mathematical students are confused with trigonometry even today, Aryabhatta had defined sine, cosine, versine and inverse sine back in his era, influencing the birth of trigonometry. The signs were originally known as jya, kojya, utkrama-jya and otkram jya.Aryabhatta was the first mathematician to detail both sine and versine (1 − cos x) tables, in 3.75° intervals from 0° to 90°, to 4 decimal places.
Although we know nothing about the personal history of Aryabhatta, he was the genius who continues to baffle mathematicians even to this day.
Aryabhatta was one of the first Indian mathematicians and space exploration experts.
Aryabhatta composed numerous numerical and cosmic treatises; among these, 'Aryabhatiya' was his first major work. ...
'Ayrabhatiya' covers several branches of mathematics such as algebra, arithmetic, plane and spherical trigonometry.