Give me a speech on teacher's day mentioning the increasing distances between teachers and students nowadays, in about 200 words

Throughout the thousands of years of revolution, the human being learned many things from his experience and from the environment around him. The man invented fire to cook food, protect himself from wild animals and to face the chilling cold. He invented the wheel to ease the transportation from one place to another. They determined their direction by studying the position of sun and stars. All this happened because of two things, which are need and curiosity. The need and curiosity are the two things which are behind every great invention in the history of mankind. Here nature was the teacher for the ancient humans. They learned from studying the nature.
Today, there are many means and ways to gain knowledge, but schools are the primary source of education and knowledge for almost everyone around the world. One might argue that there are other ways to gain knowledge such as the Internet. Today, the internet is the source of a plethora of information just a click away. But can it replace a living human being, who spends his whole life learning himself and providing that knowledge to his students? I don't think so.
It won't be an exaggeration, saying that teachers are the foundation stone of the skyscraper of our society. Students are the future of our society and teachers mold the students in the form of responsible future citizens of our society. It's almost impossible to measure the contribution of teachers to the society. But I'll try to elaborate the importance of teachers in our lives in a few words.
We are students all our lives. We keep learning from our first breath to the last. A child's first teachers are his/her parents. Our parents teach us the fundamental things since our birth. A child first learns to crawl and eventually walk. Then the journey of that kid's academic education starts. The teachers in the school not only teaches the kid how to read and write but also teaches the fundamental qualities a person should possess and those are discipline, punctuality, courage, empathy, honesty, obedience, respect and many others. A teacher not only teaches the students how to earn the living but also teaches the students to be a better person and make better decisions in life. He/she inspires the students to be successful in their career and most importantly be humble and down to earth. Hence there is no doubt that the teachers shape the future of our society.