give me answer fast...

Main provisions of prevention of atrocities act
Article 17 abolishes Untouchability.
Article 46 requires the State ‘to promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and to protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation.
Ans 2
Different schemes launched by govt are
♢ Scheme of Grant in Aid to Voluntary Organisations working for Scheduled Castes
♢ Government of India have approved implementation of a new Centrally-sponsored Pilot Scheme called Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY) from the financial year, 2009-10, for integrated development of 1,000 villages in the country, each with more than 50% Scheduled Castes (SC) population
♢ The Post Matric Scholarships enables huge number of Scheduled Caste students to obtain post-matric and higher level of education resulting in their overall educational and economic development
Ans 3
Three constitutional provision of India:
i. The Constitution of India provided in principle legal and political equality to everybody irrespective of their caste.
ii. Article 17 of the constitution banned untouchability, Besides that the Parliament has also enacted Untouchability (offences) Act 1955
iii. Government policy of reservation which has helped in enhancing the education and economic status of the Schedule caste and Schedule Tribe.
Marginalization is the process of pushing a particular group or groups of people to the edge of society by not allowing them an active voice, identity, or place in it. It included peoples like
Women,People with disability, Children
Scheduled tribe, Elderly of aged people are most common .
Swach Bharat launched on 2 october 2014 by Prime Minister of India Narendra modi ji aim at solve the sanitation problem and waste management across India by ensuring hygiene by mass support .
hope it helps
वसंत कुरुकियुम का राज काहे का है
वसंत और शास्त्री मुख्य और संस्कृत पर माई सब शांति चली है वसंत लोक
सभा आदि रति कहि गया है हमरे मधुर घन ऐस है उखड़ बट्टाय गलाट दा असार हमरे मधुर गइत साथ माधुरी चारो के बैर में था|