give me answer of a correctly plz

Land of our birth, our faith, our pride,
For whose dear sake our fathers died;
Oh, Motherland, we pledge to thee,
Head, heart and hand through the years to be!
Qn: Why does the speaker call their motherland a Land of birth, faith and pride?
It is a highly emotional song (speech, poem) by a patriot. The author is Rudyard Kipling. The speaker speaks with gratitude to his motherland. He/she invokes patriotism in all the readers/listeners. This is a song for children. It creates a good feeling in the minds of children about their country.
Our motherland (country, town) is where we are born and grow to be healthy, brave and wise. We learn its culture, faith, tradition and religion. We are proud of our land because it has done so much good to us. Because of her (motherland) we are capable persons. Our forefathers fought for independence of our land. Our ancestors died protecting our land from foreign invaders. It is because of them that we are enjoying freedom and nice lives.
So we all pledge today that we will dedicate our head, heart and hands for our motherland. For a longtime in future we will serve for the benefit of our country. We will think, feel and act for her. We will always think of doing good to her.
Rudyard Kipling was a famous English journalist, poet, writer and novelist too. He was born in India. He wrote the famous and lovely “The Jungle Book” of Mowgli.