Give me detailed information about composition and qualification of lok sabha.
The present number of Members in the Lok Sabha stands at 545. This includes 2 members from the Anglo- Indian community who may be nominated by the President in case the community is not adequately represented
- is a citizen of India
- has completed 30 years of age in case of Rajya Sabha and 25 years in case of Lok Sabha.
- possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under any law made by Parliament.
Qualifications for the election of Lok Sabha-:
1.He should be a citizen of India.
2.He should be at least 25 years of age.
3.He should not be a proclaimed offender.
4.He should have his name in the electoral rolls in any part of the country.
5.He or she should possess such other qualifications which may be specified by the parliament from time to time.
6.He should not hold any office of profit under any State or Central government.
7.He should not be of unsound mind.
8.He should not be an insolvent, that is he should not be in debt.
The total membership as specified by the Constitution is 552.Out of this-:
- not more than 530 shall represent the states.
- not more than 30 shall represent the Union Territories.
- President nominates two members from the Anglo-Indian community if he feels that there is inadequate representation in the house.