Give me some formula related to Loss and Profit
Answer :-
Profit = (SP > CP) = SP - CP
Loss = (CP > SP) = CP - SP
Profit% = (Profit × 100 / CP)%
Loss% = (Loss × 100 / CP)%
SP when Profit Percent is given = (100 + Profit % / 100)× CP
CP when Profit Percent is given = (SP × 100 / 100 + Profit %)
SP when Loss Percent is given = (100 - Loss / 100)× CP
CP when Loss Percent is given = (SP × 100 / 100 - Loss)
Discount = Marked Price – Selling Price
And Discount Percentage = (Discount/Marked price) x 100
Profit percentage = (Profit /Cost Price) x 100
Loss percentage = (Loss / Cost price) x 100
Profit, P = SP – CP; SP>CP
Loss, L = CP – SP; CP>SP
P% = (P/CP) x 100
L% = (L/CP) x 100
SP = {(100 + P%)/100} x CP
SP = {(100 – L%)/100} x CP
CP = {100/(100 + P%)} x SP
CP = {100/(100 – L%)} x SP
Discount = MP – SP
SP = MP -Discount
For false weight, profit percentage will be P% = (True weight – false weight/ false weight) x 100.
When there are two successful profits say m% and n%, then the net percentage profit equals to (m+n+mn)/100
When the profit is m% and loss is n%, then the net % profit or loss will be: (m-n-mn)/100
If a product is sold at m% profit and then again sold at n% profit then the actual cost price of the product will be: CP = [100 x 100 x P/(100+m)(100+n)]. In case of loss, CP = [100 x 100 x P/(100-m)(100-n)]
If P% and L% are equal then, P = L and %loss = P2/100