Give me some idea about class x first two chapter .How to pass periodic.
Tell the subject at least.Well For English you will have all the chapters very easy and this just go through your books to you crack this chapters . secondly in mathematics the first chapter will be much easier than the second chapter the second chapter polynomials 2.2and 2.3 exercises are very easy and the first 4 exercises are also very easy so you can easily score good marks in mathematics and for science just go through your books regularly and practice the back exercise and exampler questions constantly and for social science you can can read guide books the chapters are very larger ,so so it's better to go through the questions then the whole lesson.
some tips(exam hours) :-
Prepare a strategy for the exam before you take it.Use the first 15 minutes effectively.Don't worry about the tough problems.Understand the worth of each question.Maintain speed and accuracy hand in hand.Keep a close watch on the time.