English, asked by jerryjacob, 1 year ago

give me the critical appreciation of the poem



Answered by Monika010
●●●●●The poem is a charming lyric, a patriotic song, and a noble dream. The opening line hints at the
theme. It rouses curiosity of the reader to know about that heaven on earth where mind is without
fear. Does that ideal state of civilisation exist anywhere? That is not the question, because the
poet has his ideal dream for his country. He prays for its realisation. He wishes his countrymen to
be free from outmoded customs and superstitious beliefs. True freedom, according to the poet,
lies in freedom from narrow considerations of caste, colour and creed.

●●●Cynics may find the poem unrealistic and unworkable. We can’t expect the world to be full of
virtuous people who always speak the truth and lead an honest life. But an ideal has always to be
high enough to exceed the grasp of its pursuer. Herein lies the beauty of the poem which makes
instant appeal. Poetic devices of simile and metaphor have been used. Abstract thoughts have
been clothed in pictorial imagery.

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