Give merits and demerits of modern periodic table.
Modern periodic table is a tabular arrangement of elements consisting of vertical columns and horizontal rows. It is the arrangement of elements in order of their increasing atomic numbers in such a way that the elements with similar properties are placed under each other in the same vertical column.
Merits of modern periodic table :-
1. It is based upon the atomic numbers of elements which is a much more fundamental property of elements.
2. The periodicity in properties is due to recurrence of similar electronic configuration.
3. Metals & non metals are separated. Normal metals occupy the left hand side of the periodic table and transition metals occupy middle of the table.
4. The anomalies of placing the element with higher atomic mass before the element of lower atomic mass was removed when elements were placed according to their increasing atomic numbers.
Demerits of periodic table :-
1. The position of metals is still undecided.
2. No satisfactory place is provided to lanthanoids and actinoids.