give proper scientific names to six hypothetical animal species As some that you have three different genera represented in your group of six
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Give proper scientific names to six hypothetical animal ... you have three different genera represented in your group of ...mark brainly
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The proper scientific names to six hypothetical animal species are:
- African Elehpant : Elehpas maximus - A modification of the Asian Elephant is the African Elehpant also known as the Elehpas maximus scientifically.
- Wild sparrow : Passer splendens - A modification of the House sparrow is the Wild sparrow also known as the Passer splendens scientifically.
- Rythm snake : Ptyus mucosa - A modification of the Rat snake is the Rythm snake also called the Rythm snake scientifically.
- Domestic boar : Susie scrofa - A modification of the Wild boar is the Domestic boar also known as the Susie scrofa scientifically.
- Rattle Pigeon : Columbius livia - A modification of the Pigeon is the Rattle Pigeon also known as the Columbius livia scientifically.
- Cracky Crocodile : Crocodyliaus palustris - A modification of the Crocodile is the Cracky Crocodile also known as the Crocodyliaus palustris scientifically.
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