Physics, asked by piyanshigajbhiye, 5 months ago

give reason for the following.
(a) Human activities are responsible for disturbing natural balance.


Answered by expectopatronum01


Here's ur answer. Sry if its short.


There are many activities which human perform that causes disturbance in natural balance:-

1) Humans perform over deforestation which causes many problems like pollution, global warming etc.

2)Humans use a lot of resources of nature which causes imbalance. This is known as overconsuption.

3) Due to pollution and global warming there is a lot of change in climate.

4) Due to technology and development in various feilds there are less number of deaths then births which causes disturbance in natural balance.

Answered by palak1008


There are various activities practised by human which causes harm to the environment. Some of them are

1) Recklessly cutting down if trees.

2) Excessive use of chemical fertilizers

3) Pollution caused by us in various ways.

4) Environmental degradation such as oceanic acidification

5) Deforestation

6) Global warming

7) Usage of non-degradable resources

8) Overpopulation

9) Global warming

10) We are doing deforestation but not afforestation

There are many more points but I guess these are enough so write accordingly with keeping 'How much Mark's does this question carries' in mind.

Mark me as the brainliest plz

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