Give reason: killing of some species of animals and birds have been banned in India.
Answer: it is to protect biodiversity and maintain species on planet earth
Explanation:most of the species are becoming endangered and are nearly at the verge of extinction this could create natural imbalances it could affect the nature and all organisms including us .we forget the factor that all the animals and plants conserve balance in a special manner the destruction of one could lead to the destruction of the other thus it is important and we are interrelated to the organisms . our careless action of hunting has caused many environmental issues relating biodiversity . this is the main reason for banning hunting of many animals . It is also to prevent endangered species from extinction thus my dear friends we must support the protection of every wild and domestic animal and reduce cutting trees and start planting tress the increase production of co2 can only be prevented by trees because we are not ready to step up or step down we are trying to step up but we are slow and we are not ready to step down . destruction of balance in atmosphere is another form of hunting so my friends reduce co2 as possible and conserve tress .
I hope my answer brings satisfaction in you if not please inform with respect and love i conclude my answer
so that they can be protected from being extinction.