give reason: the longitudes are apart by 111 kms for 1 degree difference.
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Longitude are series of semi-circles running from pole to pole passing through the equator. The distance between two longitude decreases as we move from equator to pole. In other words the distance between two longitude is maximum at equator and minimum at poles where they tend to converge.
Distance between degree of longitude at the equator — 69.172 miles (111.321 kilometers)At 40° north or south*, the distance between a degree of longitude — 53 miles (85 kilometers)At poles the distance is approximately zero.
Distance between degree of longitude at the equator — 69.172 miles (111.321 kilometers)At 40° north or south*, the distance between a degree of longitude — 53 miles (85 kilometers)At poles the distance is approximately zero.
Answered by
the distance between two consecutive longitudes does not remain the same as the longitudes are not parallel. They meet at the poles and hence the distance between the longitudes gradually decrease from the equator to the two poles. The distance of 111 km for 1 degree longitude is maintained only at the equator and it gradually decrease towards the poles
Hope my answer helps u ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
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