Give reason why tube wells are extremely used in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
Tube wells are extensively used in the states of Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh. It is an important source of irrigation as it irrigates large areas of land in comparatively less time and it can irrigate the fields throughout the year.
Two reasons why water scarcity occurs in India are:
After independence, India has witnessed industrialisation. The establishment of large industrial houses and the increasing number of industries has exerted tremendous pressure on the fresh water resources.
Increase in the number of urban centers with dense population has also exerted pressure on the water resources. Many houses and societies have independent water boring devices which have lowered the water table.
Perennial canals are located in the states of Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.
Perennial canals are located in these states as there are a number of perennial rivers in these regions. Secondly, perennial canals can irrigate the fields throughout the year.