give reasons for the decline of federal system in North india
Causes of the Decline of Feudalism :
The Feudalism declined due to multiplicity of causes. Since feudalism was based on the idea of land tenure paid for by governmental work, every process that tended to alter this adjustment tended also to displace feudalism. Secondly, feudalism had over reached its utility and outlived its necessity. Hence, decline followed when new changes took place.
Rise of Standing Armies: There rose a new system of raising troops for war . It increased the importance of money over land. This was not good for the survival of Feudalism .
Money became the Power: The land was the symbol of power in Feudal system. But Money became the symbol of power. The king could pay wages to the soldiers and become powerful than the feudal lords. The old conception of the feudal force had completely disappeared.
Use of New Weapons and Gun-Powder: The King used guns and gunpowder in destroying the forts of the feudal lords which they could not afford to do earlier. The new weapons, the new techniques of warfare and extensive use of gunpowder helped the Kings to subjugate the feudal lords which ended the Feudalism .
New Political Institutions: The rise to power of popular assemblies, like States General, Cortes, Diets, or Parliaments, established the growing importance of the middle class. They became the major cause of the destroying feudalism.
In-build mechanism of the decline of Feudalism: The decline of Feudalism began in 13th century. It was bound to decline because of its internal mechanism and with it a particular form of administration, its economic and social setup came to end which had survived for quite a long time after having fulfilled its utility. However, as a social system it continued for some more time. It did not end at the same time and completely in all the countries.
Growth in the Agriculture Yield: The improvement in agricultural techniques increased the production. The Europe adopted three-belt system to get two harvests in one year. The population of Europe doubled between 1000 and 1300. The increased production helped in the increase of population and urbanization. It reduced the dependence of the farmers on the feudal lords.
Emergence of Commercial class: Commerce and trade grew fast as a result of crusades. The demand for luxurious items increased due to the contact with new countries owing to crusades. It became the cause of the rise of the commercial class. The commercial class had members which were more richer than the feudal lords. However, they did not relish the lack of social respect to them and absence of their own interference in the administration. They gained the influence by extending the monetary help to the kings for the suppression of the feudal lords.
Importance of Commercial Cities: In Europe, trade fairs were held regularly between 1200 to n1400. They were usually an affair for three to four weeks. However, when the commercial cities emerged, the trade continued for whole of the year. They prepared the grounds for the commercialization which was cause of the decline of feudalism.
Labourers were needed in Cities: With the rise of commercial activities and the trade cities, the businessmen required large number of labourers. They started enticing the farm workers of the feudal lords. It brought them in conflict with the feudal lords. Therefore, the business class needed protection against the feudal lords. That help was readily available from kings who also wanted to end the feudal lords. The commercial class and kings joined together against the feudal lords and the ended the feudal system.