Physics, asked by vedantsnh, 2 months ago

Give reasons for the following:-

1. While playing a guitar, if you pull a string gently you hear a soft sound. If you pull the same string hard you hear a louder sound

2. Female voice is shriller than a male voice.

3. The sound produced by a collision or an example takes place in the outer space cannot be heard by a space voyager passing by.

4. People living in a city may suffer from health conditions such as headache, hypertension, high stress levels, etc.

5. Planting trees would help to reduce noise pollution.

Plz answer this correctly...


Answered by ashutoshghosh319


1. The harder you pull the string louder you hear the sound, as in you are trying to increase the amplitude of resulting wave.

2. Female voice is shrill than male voice because they have higher pitch.

3. sound waves requires a particle medium to travel or propagate. there is vacuum in space, no particles , no sound.

4. Due to noise pollution.

5. They help to effectively "absorb" the sound waves and create peaceful atmosphere.

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