English, asked by aman5355, 7 months ago

give reasons for the following (a) mushrooms is a saprotroph. (b) sun is a unlimited source of energy (c) the leaf of a plant dies out if it's stomata are blocked. (d) leaf is known as the food factory of the plant.lichen is a living partner ship between a fungus and an alga and this partner ship is beneficial to both​


Answered by singhajaykumar94


a) mushroom is a saprotroph because it takes nutrients from dead and waste things or organisms.

b) sun is unlimited source of energy because all living beings are directly or indirectly related to it plants take sunlight and grow.lt is then taken by herbivores and herbivores are then eaten by carnivores. Carnivores are then eaten by omnivores. l explain it with good chain :

sun --- sunlight --- plants ---- herbivores ---- carnivores ---- omnivores

c) The leaf dies when it's stomata is blocked because it helps in exchange of gases. As we excrete waste like us they excrete waste through exchange of gases. Waste contains toxic materials, if it is not excreted, the leaf dies.

d) Leaf is known as food factory because it make food for plant which is stored as starch.

Answered by singhmukumd135



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