Science, asked by shivkumarisinghkhush, 5 months ago

Give reasons for the following- a) We feel relieved from muscular cramps after a massage or hot water bath b)People often breathe out on the spectacles to clean them. c ) Overwatering of potted plants should not be done *

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Answered by cutepie5190


a - We get relief from cramps after a hot water bath or a massage. Hot water bath or massage improves circulation of blood. As a result, the supply of oxygen to the muscle cells increases. The increase in the supply of oxygen results in the complete breakdown of lactic acid into carbon dioxide and water.

b - To clean their spectacles, people often breathe out on glasses to make them wet. ... The glasses become wet because the air we breathe out is warm and contains water vapours which condense on the surface of glass in the form of water droplets.

c - Plant roots absorb more than just water. They also take in oxygen and nutrients. When you overwater a plant, you are actually drowning the roots by surrounding them with so much water that they cannot absorb oxygen or nutrients. Without access to these, your plant will start to suffocate.

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