Give reasons to explain : (i) why plants do not have any special respiratory Organs like animals. (ii) [ 12 ] Why is it not advisable to sleep under a tree at night?
There is little or no transport of gas exchange from one part of the plant to the other.
Plants don't require specialized structures for gas exchange.
Plant parts respire at lower rates when compared to animals.
Animals respire in oxygen, whereas plants produce oxygen for their requirements.
The distance of gas diffusion is small.
During the night, plants give out carbon dioxide and during the day it gives out oxygen. Photosynthesis can occur only in the presence of light. Breathing carbon dioxide is harmful to our bodies. Hence we shouldn't sleep under a tree at night.
i) plants do not have respiratory organs because.
Each parts of the plants take care of their oxygen demands
In every parts of the plants,each has some site which is exposed to atmosphere so exchange of gases take place.
ii) At night , photosynthesis does not take place so plants cannot release oxygen.
They release carbon dioxide and decrease the oxygen amount near by that's why it not advisable to sleep under tree at night.