Give short paragraph about my study coching
As a leader, your success is directly tied to the success of your people. To be an outstanding leader, you
must be a great coach—one who can bring out the best in others through development and training. Think
of coaching as being in the middle of a continuum with teaching being on the far left and mentoring on
the far right.
The teacher provides new knowledge such as interviewing techniques, budget process, etc., while a coach
provides new or enhanced skills such as the application of the progressive discipline process, how to
conduct a root cause analysis, how to be an active listener and ask questions—in other words, “the how
tos.” The teacher and coach roles go hand-in-hand as new skills are learned. Just to be clear, coaches are
not mentors—those who provide career-life direction, making available what they have learned from their
experiences. Mentors don’t solve a person’s problems, but a coach does by helping them think through
the questions to consider.
An integral skill in coaching is assessing your staff’s level of expertise. Are they novices or do they
already have some experience? Was the experience good or bad? Through your coaching, you want to
move your people from novice—the far left—through some comfort—the middle—to the expert or the
comfortable area—the far right.
To be an effective coach:
• First, be a good listener; then, ask searching questions and provide constructive feedback.
• Encourage and collaborate with your staff to generate creative ideas.
• Believe in your staff’s potential. If you truly don’t think they have undeveloped potential, you
need to move them out or readjust your attitude. In addition to believing in their potential, you
The takeaway lesson: A successful coach has staff who feel that their directors believe in them, think
they are capable and talented by letting them know through words and actions that they want them to
succeed and trust them. If they believe that, then you have done your job well!