Computer Science, asked by Anonymous, 6 months ago

give some basic details about animation....


Answered by nishu6157


Animation is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images....


hope it helps you

Answered by undertaker77777A

In todays world which is filled with full of imaginations and visulizations there are some areas which is covered with the word animation. When this word will come in anyone’s mind they always create a picture of cartoons and some Disney world shows. As we already know that among kids, the animation movies are very populer like Disney world, Doraemon, etc. All the cartoons and animation pictures are type of animation which made from a thousands of single pictures add together and play according to steps.

As we shift our mind to past some decades than we will find that all animation are created either by hand or painting also we see that some puppet like structure were created to show the animation these type of animation are real world animations on the other hand in that technical world the digital animation will evolve. Now a days to create an animation there have developed so many tools to create scenes with ease and in a short time period some tools are as Blenders3D, Maya, cinema 4D etc, useful to create scenes.

There are many types of animation as we see in our TV’s or we see many shows and pictures that are mainly differ from a real shows and films but we properly divide animation that are based on there creation such as 2D animation, 3D animation, paper animation, puppet animation, traditional animation ets.

Definition of Animation :

Animation is the process of creating an illusion of motion and shape change by means of rapid display of various type of pictures that were made to create a single scene.

Principles of Animation :

Before doing animation, every animator should follow these principles to create a good animation. These principles was evolved from past animation techniques but these principle are also very useful and essential for doing animation. In 1981 two bright Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas introduced twelve basic principles of animation to produce more realistic works. These principle are also applicable on present computer animations.

There are 12 basic principles of animation, they are-

Squash and Strech –

This is the most important principle of animation, it gives the sense of weight and volume to draw an object.

Anticipation –

In this principle animator will create a starting scene like that it shows that something will happen, almost nothing happens suddenly.

Staging –

Animator creates such type of scene which attract audience so that audience’s attention is directed toward that scene.

Straight Ahead –

In this principle, all frames are drawn from beginning to the end and then fill all the interval or scene.

Flow through and overlapping action –

Two object’s action have different speed in any scene can easily describe this principle.

Slow in and Slow out –

When an abject have maximum acceleration in between and resist on the beginning and end will show this principle’s working.

Arc –

Arcs are present in almost all animation as no object will follow straight line and follows some arc in its action.

Secondry action –

As with one character’s action second character move shows the multiple dimension of an animation.

Timing –

For playing a given action a perfect timing is very important.

Exaggeration –

This principle creates extra reality in the scene by developing a proper animation style.

Solid drawing –

In this principle, any object will created into 3D form to get realistic visualization of scene.

Appeal –

Any character need not be as same as any real character but it somewhat seems to be like that which create a proper thinking in the audience’s mind.

thank you

there's your answer

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