English, asked by bawsee, 4 months ago

Give Some Do’s and Dont’s For a Visit to a World Heritage Site.


Answered by kez2

In the World Heritage Site, special regulations apply to visitors to protect and preserve the area, since large parts of Laponia are national parks and nature reserves. The regulations concern what you are allowed to do when you are in Laponia. By following the regulations, you take part in preserving Laponia for future generations.

As a visitor, you are responsible to be informed about the complete Swedish determined regulations, NFS 2013:10, FS 2011:39, FS 2011:40.

Dispensations and permits

It is possible to receive dispensation or a permit to carry out activities that are not permitted under the regulations. To receive dispensation or permits, contact the County Administrative Board in Norrbotten County. Laponiatjuottjudus, which administrates Laponia World Heritage Site, is not an authority, but advises the County Administrative Board. Read more.

Don’t disturb – Don’t destroy

Laponia is not a wilderness. People have lived here for many millennia without leaving any traces. Traditional knowledge is important in the World Heritage Site. It is the knowledge that has been passed on from generation to generation, teaching an approach to the land that allows us to be here without leaving marks.

Show respect to the people living here. Avoid to rest or pitch your tent too close to close to settlements and villages.

Hike along the trails if it is possible. The old trails are likely to follow the best route.

The traisl are sparsely marked to not disturb nature. Do not make your own markings by stacking rocks.

An árran (hearth) is often one of the traveller’s many homes. For a long period, people have here eaten, rested, and found warmth and light. Do not take stones from an old árran to make a new one.

If you wash upstream in a brook where others use the water, you pollute their drinking water.

Litter does not disappear just because it cannot be seen. Do not bury it, but carry away what you brought here.

Sacred places are still sacred, even though the way to use them has changed. To respect the place is to respect the people who live in Laponia.

hope it helps you mate...

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