give some example of Echinodermata
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Examples of Echinoderms
Unlike other invertebrate phyla, which contain hundreds or thousands of different types of animals, Echinodermata only contains five different classes of animals:
Starfish, or sea stars, are the classic echinoderms that most people think of. They have five arms of varying thickness and can come in a variety of colors and textures.Brittle stars, sometimes called serpent stars, look like typical starfish except their legs are much skinnier and more fragile (hence the 'brittle' in their name), and they have more prominent spines than the sea stars.The technical name for sand dollars, sea urchins, and heart urchins is echinoid. Unlike the sea stars and brittle stars, echinoids contain no arm-like appendages. Instead, they are shaped like globes or half globes. They are rounded on the top and flat on the bottom and feature spines of varying length, with sea urchins having longer spines and sand dollars and heart urchins having shorter spines.Sea cucumbers look similar to their namesake, the vegetable cucumber. They have long, cucumber-like bodies with bumps on the surface.The most ancient of the echinoderms, the sea lilies, are the lone sessile, or immobile, organisms in the phylum. Fossils of sea lilies are not unusual in regions that used to be located near oceans. All sea lilies have at least ten appendages extending from the main stalk of their body, which they use to feed on detritus, or organic matter floating through the ocean.
Unlike other invertebrate phyla, which contain hundreds or thousands of different types of animals, Echinodermata only contains five different classes of animals:
Starfish, or sea stars, are the classic echinoderms that most people think of. They have five arms of varying thickness and can come in a variety of colors and textures.Brittle stars, sometimes called serpent stars, look like typical starfish except their legs are much skinnier and more fragile (hence the 'brittle' in their name), and they have more prominent spines than the sea stars.The technical name for sand dollars, sea urchins, and heart urchins is echinoid. Unlike the sea stars and brittle stars, echinoids contain no arm-like appendages. Instead, they are shaped like globes or half globes. They are rounded on the top and flat on the bottom and feature spines of varying length, with sea urchins having longer spines and sand dollars and heart urchins having shorter spines.Sea cucumbers look similar to their namesake, the vegetable cucumber. They have long, cucumber-like bodies with bumps on the surface.The most ancient of the echinoderms, the sea lilies, are the lone sessile, or immobile, organisms in the phylum. Fossils of sea lilies are not unusual in regions that used to be located near oceans. All sea lilies have at least ten appendages extending from the main stalk of their body, which they use to feed on detritus, or organic matter floating through the ocean.
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➧ Some Phylum in Animal Kingdoms are:-
❶❭ Porifera:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is cylindrical & asymmetrical.
❱ Canal system is present.
❱ Cellular level of organisation.
❱ It is diploblastic.
❱ They reproduce by budding in Asexual Reproduction.
❱ Special cells are choanocytes.
❱ Skeleton is in the form of spicules.
▶Ex:- Sycon & Sponges
❷❭ Coelenterata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is Radially symmetrical.
❱ Canal system is absent.
❱ Tissue grade level of organisation.
❱ Body wall is diploblastic.
❱ Opening served by mouth & anus.
❱ Special Cell or Cnidoblasts.
❱ It occurs in the form of polyp & Medusa.
❱ It have gastrovascular cavity.
❱ It poses tentacles called Nematoblasts.
▶Ex:- Hydra & Jellyfish
❸❭ Platyhelminthes:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical, flattened & Ribbon shaped.
❱ Digestive system is absent or incomplete.
❱ Body cavity is absent.
❱ Body is triploblastic.
❱ It is bisexual or Hermaphrodite.
❱ Respiration is an aerobic.
❱ They possess sućker.
❱ Circulatory or respiratory system is absent.
▶Ex:- Planaria & Tape worm
❹❭ Nematoda:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical or cylindrical.
❱ Body has tissue level of organisation.
❱ It is mostly parasites organism.
❱ Body is triploblastic.
❱ Respiratory or circulatory system is absent.
❱ Sex are separate.
❱ They have tissue but no real organ.
▶Ex:- Ascaris & Hook worm
❺❭ Annelida:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is cylindrical, bilaterally symmetrical & metamerically.
❱ Body structure ring-like segment.
❱ Respiration by gills or moist skin.
❱ Body is triploblastic.
❱ Excretory organs are nephridia.
❱ Digestive & circulatory system are well developed.
❱ Locomotory organs are parapodia.
❱ They have true body cavity.
▶Ex:- Earthworm & Leech
❻❭ Arthropoda:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical & segmented.
❱ Exoskeleton shed periodically during growth.
❱ Body is covered with non living exoskeleton.
❱ Body wall is triploblastic.
❱ Body divided into head, Thorax & abdomen.
❱ It have jointed appendages.
❱ It possess compound eyes & antennae.
❱ Respiration by gills, trachea & book lungs.
▶Ex:- Cockroach & Spider
❼❭ Mollusca:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical.
❱ Shell formed of calcium carbonate.
❱ Body covered with mantal & hard shell.
❱ Body is triploblastic & Coelomate.
❱ Body divided into head, foot & visceral mass.
❱ Foot is ventral & muscular.
❱ Respiration by gills or ctenida.
❱ Blood may be Black - blue.
▶Ex:- Octopus & Unio
❽❭ Echinodermata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is radially symmetrical.
❱ Body size is spherical or cylindrical.
❱ Body surface covered with spines.
❱ Body is triploblastic & have coelomic cavity.
❱ It possess power of regeneration.
❱ No head tail right & left side.
❱ Body differentiated into oral & aboral surface.
❱ It have water vascular system.
▶Ex:- Starfish & Antedon
❾❭ Chordata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Nerve cord hollow tubular & dorsal.
❱ Notochord is present.
❱ Heart is ventral.
❱ Circulatory system is always closed.
❱ RBCs are present.
❱ Endoskeleton is present.
❱ A series of pharyngeal gill-silts present in the pharyngeal wall.
➧ Some Phylum in Animal Kingdoms are:-
❶❭ Porifera:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is cylindrical & asymmetrical.
❱ Canal system is present.
❱ Cellular level of organisation.
❱ It is diploblastic.
❱ They reproduce by budding in Asexual Reproduction.
❱ Special cells are choanocytes.
❱ Skeleton is in the form of spicules.
▶Ex:- Sycon & Sponges
❷❭ Coelenterata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is Radially symmetrical.
❱ Canal system is absent.
❱ Tissue grade level of organisation.
❱ Body wall is diploblastic.
❱ Opening served by mouth & anus.
❱ Special Cell or Cnidoblasts.
❱ It occurs in the form of polyp & Medusa.
❱ It have gastrovascular cavity.
❱ It poses tentacles called Nematoblasts.
▶Ex:- Hydra & Jellyfish
❸❭ Platyhelminthes:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical, flattened & Ribbon shaped.
❱ Digestive system is absent or incomplete.
❱ Body cavity is absent.
❱ Body is triploblastic.
❱ It is bisexual or Hermaphrodite.
❱ Respiration is an aerobic.
❱ They possess sućker.
❱ Circulatory or respiratory system is absent.
▶Ex:- Planaria & Tape worm
❹❭ Nematoda:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical or cylindrical.
❱ Body has tissue level of organisation.
❱ It is mostly parasites organism.
❱ Body is triploblastic.
❱ Respiratory or circulatory system is absent.
❱ Sex are separate.
❱ They have tissue but no real organ.
▶Ex:- Ascaris & Hook worm
❺❭ Annelida:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is cylindrical, bilaterally symmetrical & metamerically.
❱ Body structure ring-like segment.
❱ Respiration by gills or moist skin.
❱ Body is triploblastic.
❱ Excretory organs are nephridia.
❱ Digestive & circulatory system are well developed.
❱ Locomotory organs are parapodia.
❱ They have true body cavity.
▶Ex:- Earthworm & Leech
❻❭ Arthropoda:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical & segmented.
❱ Exoskeleton shed periodically during growth.
❱ Body is covered with non living exoskeleton.
❱ Body wall is triploblastic.
❱ Body divided into head, Thorax & abdomen.
❱ It have jointed appendages.
❱ It possess compound eyes & antennae.
❱ Respiration by gills, trachea & book lungs.
▶Ex:- Cockroach & Spider
❼❭ Mollusca:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is bilaterally symmetrical.
❱ Shell formed of calcium carbonate.
❱ Body covered with mantal & hard shell.
❱ Body is triploblastic & Coelomate.
❱ Body divided into head, foot & visceral mass.
❱ Foot is ventral & muscular.
❱ Respiration by gills or ctenida.
❱ Blood may be Black - blue.
▶Ex:- Octopus & Unio
❽❭ Echinodermata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Body is radially symmetrical.
❱ Body size is spherical or cylindrical.
❱ Body surface covered with spines.
❱ Body is triploblastic & have coelomic cavity.
❱ It possess power of regeneration.
❱ No head tail right & left side.
❱ Body differentiated into oral & aboral surface.
❱ It have water vascular system.
▶Ex:- Starfish & Antedon
❾❭ Chordata:-━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☟
❱ Nerve cord hollow tubular & dorsal.
❱ Notochord is present.
❱ Heart is ventral.
❱ Circulatory system is always closed.
❱ RBCs are present.
❱ Endoskeleton is present.
❱ A series of pharyngeal gill-silts present in the pharyngeal wall.
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